Own Your Heat

Why Your Hair Length Matters

The length of your hair significantly impacts the ideal temperature setting, as the heat from your straighteners is distributed differently depending on the strand length.

Long hair

Longer hair needs more attention to make sure the heat reaches all of it evenly and doesn’t cause damage. To keep long hair in the best condition, we recommend a styling temperature in the region of 150°C to 190°C.

Perfect styling temperatures for long hair

  • Long straight hair typically fares well between 150°C and 170°C.
  • Wavy long hair benefits from temperatures between 160°C and 180°C
  • Long curly hair requires a slightly higher range of 170°C to 190°C to tame its texture.
  • Long coily hair, known for its tighter curls, thrives at temperatures ranging from 150°C to 170°C

Best styling products for long hair

  • The Wide Iron Pro enables you to effectively style long hair with the Wide Iron’s 1.5-inch wide Floating Ceramic Plates for larger sections and reduced heat exposure.

Short hair

Pay close attention to the roots when styling short hair, as you don’t want to flatten them by straightening too close to the scalp. It depends on the texture of your short hair, but the temperature range for short hair is between 170°C to 190°C.

Perfect styling temperatures for short hair

  • Straight short hair usually responds well to temperatures ranging from 170°C to 190°C.
  • Wavy styles benefit from slightly higher temperatures between 180°C and 200°C
  • Curly short hair needs temperatures ranging from 190°C to 210°C.
  • Coily hair should be styled between 170°C and 190°C for best results.

Best styling products for short hair

  • The Mini Iron is ideal for short hair and fringes with 0.5-inch mineral-infused plates. 

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